Music and Sound as Catalysts for Manifesting Fantasy in Fashion Spaces.
“Neoclassical Baby Sleep Saturday Afternoon”.
“Ambient Drone Mountain Wednesday Morning”.
“Indie Sleaze Circus Thursday Evening”.
These titles are some of the many generated by Spotify for personal “daylists”; multiple daily playlists that are AI-generated based on one’s music taste. While they may sound ridiculous, they are extremely personalized and accurate in matching mood to the time of day and are examples of just how powerful sound can be in an individual’s daily routines. One of those routines is shopping, wherein music has been used by institutions as an extension of marketing their identity. Creating resonance between an audience and brand identity is often a long-term process but can be made instant through proper music implementation.
This paper examines music listening behaviours and their effect on inducing fantasy/daydreaming within fashion spaces (domestic, retail, and runway) and specifically, if fantasy strengthens garment self-association.
Full Paper to be Added